Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Letter 9/11/13

Dear Fam,
Okay, so there's a lot to say so far, so hope you all are anxious and excited to know what's been going on :) (No mom I can't look at the blog) So the first day here at the MTC (in Spanish CCM) was just crazy and hectic! Once I left the car, I was led to about 1,010 different places, where I picked up everything I needed and went to the dorms and what not. I really don't remember much from the first day except for the fact that I met my companion and district! So there are 6 elders in our district, (yes elder Hiskey is in our district, he's a pretty funny kid) and we all just get along so well! It's pretty cool because we all are going to Mexico Chihuahua, leaving the same day and everything. My companion, as some of you all know, is Elder Buifuss! He's the district leader, and as his companion I'm kind of the assistant district leader, but it's not too hard because there are only 6 of us. Elder Buifuss is from Santa Barbara California! But all in all, we all love it! It is SO GREAT here!!! To see the Lord bless us day by day! Cool story, a few days ago I pushed a little too hard on our personal workout day, and my muscles were so sore I almost could barely move around. I woke up the next morning still sore, and so I knelt on my knees and said a prayer, asking Heavenly Father to bless me with strength and health. I ended my prayer and I was able to stand and walk without pain. It was insane. My muscles were still a little sore, but then that night as I said another prayer, I woke up the next morning totally fine! No pain at all, even to touch it! I just love the Lord :)
So Spanish has been going fairly well, better then I thought of course! We have one investigator, Victor, and we were able to ask him to get baptized yesterday, and he said yes. It is so hard to teach in Spanish because we have only been able to teach with scripts, so the spirit has not been able to be as pradominent in our lessons. But we have one more lesson with Victor, tomorrow, and we are teaching without script! We prayed before we started to plan for our lesson tomorrow, and oh yeah, we've been blessed! So we're really hoping that our lesson will be lead by the spirit tomorrow!
We are SO SO SO busy here at the CCM, so there's really not much time to think about much things other then our work. In Our district, the Spanish district, I guess missionaries don't get too depressed or sad or anything because we have too much to worry about, and of course we all love the Lord :) But do pray for all the missionaries, because although we may be fine, stress overcomes us, and a few of the missionaries have cracked, because literally at the end of the day our brains are on fire because of home much Spanish was shoved into our brains. I do love the Language though, and I'm happy to be speaking it :) We have learned how to say prayers in spanish and our testimonies in spanish, and of course our lessons!
I've seen a few elders I know, but it's all good because that's not what's important, sharing gospel and bringing others unto Christ is what's important! Oh and here's a little message to Jon, The chocolate milk is AMAZING!!! I have literally have had 2 or more glasses of chocolate milk for every meal the last week!! haha, so yeah! The Food is also so amazing, but I'm pretty sure it's just amazing to fatten us up!!! I did get all the packages so thank all of you that sent packages, I love packages :)
So to end this weeks letter, I would just like to bear my testimony in Spanish:
Yo se que El Libro de Mormon es verdarero. Yo se que Jose Smith es un profeta de Dios. Yo se que Dios nos ama y nos ayuda todo el tiempo. Yo se que mediante la fe en JesuCristo y su Expiacon nosotros ayudemos. Yo amo JesuCristo y Dios, y este testimonio me ayuda a vivir feliz, en el nombre de JesuCristo, Amen.
-Elder Loveless

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