Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 12th, 2014 - Weekly Letter

             I can't believe how fast time flies by while here in the offices.  Like I feel like just yesterday I was writing to you guys, but it's been a whole week.  But it's just because everyday we have work, but work that keeps us occupied the whole day, and so all of a sudden it's a new day, but it's cool....I like the work here!  
              So something cool happened last Saturday after I wrote to you guys and everything.  So I was able to go to my old area, Rio Sacramento, and see Elayne get of the investigators that I had there, and so that was super cool.  
             Sunday was my first time at the new ward Granjas (which means farms).  It is a really cool ward. It isn't as big as my old ward, Rio Sacramento, but it's also not as small as Camargo.  I also played the piano for Sacrament Meeting, so I might be playing piano again for the ward!!!!  
​             Monday was more of a normal day.  Because Monday is the preparation day for everyone else we don't have really any missionaries come to the offices.....but sometimes. So in the afternoon Elder Beifuss and I worked....and it was actually pretty sweet.  Since we don't have any investigators we have just been contacting people on the street, and it's going good!!!  Like we get a lot of rejection, but at the same time we've got to know some pretty cool people.  Now we just hope we have a lot more free time to visit these people that we've contacted on the street.  That night is when Elder Whitney came to our house.  I wasn't able to go to the airport with him, because I guess it just worked better if Elder Hoopes and Elder Zarco went together, but yeah.....he stayed at our house Monday night. It was kinda funny because that night I gave him a hug and said bye dad, hope to see you soon!!!  Elder Whitney's such a good elder.......It was kinda sad that he had to go back, but I know that he'll come back.....and if he come's back at the perfect time, he might go home with me and the elders from my generation!!!
            Tuesday we also had time to go out and work, but it was kinda weird because we started to contact people, but they didn't accept us.  We actually talked to a guy that doesn't believe in anything. Like he thinks that things don't happen for a reason, but just because it everything is just coincidence. We were talking to him for a while but he didn't seem to be changing his mind at all, but it was still a cool mini talk with him.  
            Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday we weren't able to leave the offices to work except for one visit that we had with one of the other elder's investigators.....but we just had so much work.....and we still have a lot of work.
            Thursday was good, but it kinda ended up a little sad because President had a meeting with us, but me and Elder Beifuss had to go with an elder to the hospital for a while, and so we ended up returning when the meeting only had 5 minutes left. I think I ended up spending 300 or 400 pesos on taxis.....but luckily it's reimbursable.  I was kinda sad because we had to leave the meeting, but it's part of being a secretary, so it's all good!!!   
            So yeah, and then this morning we went to this huge mall here in Chihuahua called Fashion Mall. It kinda made me feel like I was in the United States again, but we just went to look around. I ended up buying a cool tie for 70 pesos, which is like 5 and half dollars!!! And the tie is super cool! So that was a fun activity that we did!!
              But yeah! I've really been learning to be even more humble here in the offices. You might ask why, but here's why.  In the offices there are days when we go to bed at 11 or later, and we still have to wake up at the normal 6:30, so sometimes I just feel like I want to go to bed, and then I work on the computer most of the day, so that mixed with being's not the best feeling.  It's just constant tiredness.  And then how I've been having to learn Spanish financial terms.  Working in the offices isn't a walk in the park........but I've learned more about humility because there are times when I just have to kneel down and pray. I have to ask that God gives me what's necessary for the rest of the day so that I can complete my work in the offices and out of the offices.  I love how close I am to Christ at this time in my life, and I just hope that I learn good enough so that I don't become weaker after the mission.  But I know these things are true!!!
            I love you all so much!!!  Thanks for the continued support and love.....this last week I received a package from Grandma Barbara, Grandma Val, and you guys!!!  I saw the wrapped packages and I told myself that I can't open them until my birthday.  But I just wanted to thank all of you for those :)  It's kinda funny because in our district there is a sister named, Hermana Radilla, and her birthday is the 20th of July, so we're going to have a mini birthday party!!! So that'll be fun!!
      But yeah!!!!!  Have a great week!!! You're all awesome!! Love you all!!!
-Elder Loveless

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